Challenges in the Existing Model:
Challenges observed in applying the kinetic theory are, the assumptions:
1. All gas molecules in a unit volume hit a unit area during a unit (period of) time.
If a fraction of the unit (period of) time is considered, pressure too has to be a fraction of the pressure of the unit (period of) time. Such does not reflect the actual situation in the nature. Pressure is a continuum property, thus has to be independent of time.
2.Perfect elastic collisions happen between gas molecules and the wall.
Perfect elastic collisions (do not lose any of their kinetic energies during collisions between objects) do not exist in reality. It is not a realistic assumption, evidently, a too hypothetical notion deployed to explain the observations.
3. All molecules hit the wall perpendicularly.
In reality, as molecules move in random directions; change of momentum of each molecule against the wall is not the same.
4. All molecules move in one direction
This would not cause pressure in the perpendicular directions. Such does not reflect the actual situation in the nature, where the pressure of a gas at a given point is the same in all directions.
The perspective that momentum change of molecules causes pressure, yields an unrealistic narration which is an attempt to explain the observation; instead of focusing on the phenomenon. It fails to adhere to accepted scientific norms in giving a closer to reality answer explaining the cause of the pressure in gases!
Force Field on Molecules:
In the Force Field perspective, all the hypothetical assumptions made under the kinetic theory excluded. Pressure is explained based on the force field. A force field is not time dependent, hence more successful in explaining a continuum property.
The pressure in gas can easily be explained as the resultant of:
- The gravitational repulsion force and
- The gravitational attraction forces
among gas molecules. This perspective will provide a better explanation of the phenomenon.
Although some phenomena observed in the nature/universe, e.g., pressure and expansion, are dependent on the temperature which is a manifestation of the thermal energy content, none of the four fundamental forces in existing models are considered dependent on the thermal energy content/temperature. As presented below, proven both analytically and experimentally, the thermal energy content dependent gravitational repulsion force, would fill the critical gap between energy and fundamental forces!