NextGen Physics



List of Our Journal Papers

  • C K Gamini Piyadasa, Antigravity, an answer to nature’s phenomena including the expansion of the universe, Advances in high Energy Physics,  Special issue : Dark Matter and Dark Energy in General Relativity and Modified Theories of Gravity, (2020) pp. 1-5,
  • C K Gamini Piyadasa, Anti-gravity, a major phenomenon in nature yet to be recognized, Physics Essays, 32, 2 (2019) pp. 141- 150
  • C K Gamini Piyadasa, Will rising water droplets change science?, Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol:6, No. 2, (2012) pp. 1991-1997
  • C K Gamini Piyadasa, Antigravity – Is it already under our nose?Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol:5, No. 2,  (2011) pp. 1585-1588.

List of our Articles


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