How Antigravity was first demonstrated experimentally
Articles that undergo a change of state or phase transition to gaseous form by acquiring latent heat have shown a movement against the gravitational field. In this regard, the upward mobility of iodine molecules under different conditions and geometries has been studied. No adequate explanation for this observation can be given with conventional laws of physics and hence a novel way of thinking is needed to explicate the behavior.

The behavior of Iodine clusters at room temperature in a vacuum under the earth's gravitation fields.
The behavior of Iodine clusters at elevated temperatures in a vacuum under the earth's gravitation fields.
Initially, at room temperature (≈ 28°C), iodine particles detached from the iodine layer moved downwards under gravitational attraction force with the Earth. They are deposited at the bottom of the circular paper jacket (as shown in Simulation 1).
When evaporation of the iodine was attempted with rapid heating, deposition of iodine continued at the bottom of the circular paper jacket. This could be explained by the fact that the blast heating results in a much higher kinetic energy/initial velocity of molecules in the downward direction.
When the iodine sample was heated gradually, vaporized iodine molecules were ejected downwards with a certain initial kinetic energy. Interestingly, despite such initial downward movement (as shown in Simulation 2), it was found that the molecules have moved upwards and deposited at the top of the circular paper jacket (see Figure 1b, c). We expect gravity to act on the molecules and pull them downwards (and not up). Especially the molecules being in a vacuum, should deposit themselves at the bottom of the circular paper jacket, due to the Earth’s gravitational pull and the initial downward velocity induced by heating at the inverted evaporation boat.
Further, altered geometries of the experimental setup would not affect the direction of the upward thrust (movement) of iodine molecules.
- In this region gas–wall collisions dominate and molecules move independently of one another.
- Air density approximately 12.6 ng m-3, the average the mean free path of an air molecule ≈ 6.6 m. The probability of an air molecule encountering an iodine molecule is far remote.
- The mass of an iodine molecule (126.9 amu) is greater than that of an average air molecule (28.57 amu).
- The density of iodine (4,930 kg m-3) is greater than that of an average air molecule (1.29 kg m-3).
- No convection current could exist in the molecular flow region.
- In the molecular region, buoyancy does not exist. Further, both the molecular mass and the density of iodine is greater than air.

(a). Side view of an old thermionic valve 6SN7GTB Duo triode with two filaments (b) basic components and their placement inside the thermionic valve (c). Top view of the same old valve. The valve has been mounted in a tube audio amplifier (EICO Model HF 87) vertically as in Fig. a. It is clearly seen that thin two circular patches have been observed on top inside the glass body above the filaments. The valve was used from 26/01/71 to 16/01/88. (d) Top view of a similar type of valve. This valve is fairly new, it has only been used for several months. A mild deposit of filament material is seen on top of the left hand side filament.
- Convection currents cannot exist at such low pressure and hence cannot be expected to carry upwards the metal particles of the filament (Figure 2b) placed in a thermionic valve.
- If such convection currents do occur, the operation of the valve would be erratic due to the noise generated by the bombardment of gas particles on electrodes.
- The thin electron (9.12×10-31 kg) cloud surrounding the filament cannot provide a buoyancy effect for the heavy metal atom (tungsten/thorium, 3.05×10-25/3.84×10-25 kg respectively).
- The electric field (Figure 2b) existing between the filament and the other electrodes (anode) being perpendicular to the filament axis, cannot drift metal particles (even if ionized) upwards. Hence the electric field neither is responsible for the observed effect.
Based on the observations presented above. it was reasoned that buoyancy force and convection force are untenable as reasons for upward movement of heavy metal particles. The findings point to the possibility that heavy metal particles, on acquiring heat of evaporation (latent heat), are driven upwards by an unknown force; the Antigravity force possibly; a justifiable avenue for further research.